Subject – The football network: Streaming, data and the biggest global community
Speaker – Pedro Presa, Co-Founder & CEO mycujoo
Pedro Presa, the co-founder and CEO of mycujoo was a valued speaker on the opening day of the International Sports Convention 2018.
Mr Presa began his presentation by emphasising that he believes in the future of right’s holders and read out this statement.
“In an era when everyone has a video camera in their pocket and can instantly transform themselves into a journalist or broadcaster, the ability for a football clubnot to broadcast matches in some capacity didn’t seem possible”.
Further, he informed the large audience inside the Palexpo, Geneva,
“Only about 1% of all football matches worldwide are accessible to fans to consume in good quality”.
After showing a video about his company – mycujoo – the speaker then outlined what they could do for football clubs, by filming and distributing their games through their high-tech-low cost solution, in high quality, which will give value to fans across the globe.
Based in Amsterdam and Lisbon, Mr Presa stated that mycujoo are building their technology to be the biggest football platform across the globe.
Their business model is:
‘We offer innovative state-of-the-art focused network, video streaming and data architecture that allows us to create revenue generating opportunities through media, users data, datatainment, data for media, data for betting, competition management data’.
Players are at the centre of the mycujoocommunity, according to Mr Presa, who revealed that over one million players have already featured.
Questions from the floor centred on the value of this to those clubs that could be community-driven and weren’t subject to media rights and the acquisition of data rights.
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